Community Engagement Meeting: A Public Program with Marla Miller and Brian Whetstone

In summer 2020, the Porter-Phelps-Huntington Foundation received a grant from the National Park Services’ Underrepresented Communities Program (one of only eighteen awarded nationwide) to revise its 1970s nomination to the National Register of Historic Places to include narratives that have been uncovered in the half-century since. Two consultants from UMass Amherst—Marla Miller and Brian Whetstone—are working to update and enlarge the documentation for Forty Acres to include the history that unfolded across the street at Phelps Farm. Once complete, the site’s National Register documentation will cover a wide range of new subjects, including histories of women and work from the eighteenth century to the twentieth; histories of enslavement and freedom; Native American laborers in Hadley; immigration; the history of “pastkeeping” in Hadley, and changing ideas about historical significance itself.

We invite the community to participate in this process, by helping consider which stories are especially important to the town today, and also by offering recollections, information and advice as we document the more recent past. Please join us for a short presentation by the project team about the National Register, and some of the research to date. This presentation will be followed by a general conversation in which we invite participants to share their knowledge. What, for instance, has the history of the dairy industry looked like in twentieth-century Hadley? What recollections might residents have of farming at Phelps Farm or of the early years of the Porter-Phelps-Huntington Museum? We hope you will join us for this event, and we're looking forward to hearing your stories and insight about Hadley and the two properties.

Topic: NRHP public meeting with PPH Museum
Time: Nov 18, 2021 5:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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