Porter-Phelps-Huntington House Museum in Hadley preserves centuries of family history


by Alexi Cohan, MassLive

HADLEY - Generations of family histories abound in Western Massachusetts, and the Porter-Phelps-Huntington House Museum in Hadley preserves an 18th century home where the story of a family is shared with visitors.

Located in the heart of a large farmstead and sitting on 27 acres of land, the museum attracts visitors for tours and to participate in programs and concerts throughout the summer.

One of their most successful programs, "A Perfect Spot of Tea," draws between 40 and 50 fans each week, welcomed to sit "friendly style" to drink tea and eat pastries as they enjoy a musical program on a Saturday afternoon. This weekend will offer the final "Spot of Tea" performance. There is a fee of $10.

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