Celebrating Independance Day!


 Before Congress passed a law claiming the fourth of July as a national holiday on June 28, 1870, it was a day of spontaneous celebration. It was customary for towns and cities to have bonfires, processions, military displays, and fireworks, much like today! However, fourth of July celebrations did not become such a popular event until after the war of 1812. In a diary entry from Elizabeth Porter Phelps on July 4, 1802, we see that her focus was on family and friends coming and going through the week, with no mention of any festivities! Normally, the museum would offer tours and tea to commemorate, but this year, we hope you enjoy a safe holiday at home with family and friends, just like Elizabeth!

“Sun: Mr. Hop 1st Tim. 6&5 — afternoon I stayed with the babe — Mr. Hop: 2nd Chronicles 15&4. Tuesday Mitty & I at Concert of prayer — Mr. John Smith from Matt. 6&6. Wednesday Mrs. Hop & Mrs. Austin of Worcester here. Mr. Huntington & wife & son arrived in safety by the kindness of heaven. Thursday all at brother Warners. Jest at night my son from Boston & his father came and drank tea with us — my son is come to carry home his wife & son — he got here after we went to brothers — came by Brimfield & brought Mrs. Hitchcock thus we are favoured with all our children & grand children meeting here except Mr. Hitchcock & his son Charles. Lord bless us in the redeemer. Fryday Mr. Partons & wife visit here. Satt: Sister Dickinson & Polly visit here, Susan Cutler, Lucy Barron, Sister Warner & her daughter Dickinson. The two sons at Northampton by Hatfield forenoon.” – Elizabeth Porter Phelps, Diary Entry, July 4 1802