Leo Myers letter to Gladys Huntington, 07/26/1939

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July 26

Dear Gladys

I find your stuff very interesting - even more so. There is variety. The description of happiness is exceedingly good. I liked to get away from the love interest for a bit - into happiness. I liked the delicate candour + truth [pelvers] of your treatment of P’s nerves + health, I liked the house with its people, & I liked enormously the Uncle

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John + family part at the end. As I look back on it all ^(I mean this lump) I go on thinking it very good.You do it very good. I think this lump is better - more un-literary (Proustian) than the rest. I felt the opening [pays??] to be just a touch Proustian in their attitude (the [ex?] onto gifts); + the almost too exact narration of details of feeling + sensation. But later you excel Proust. And it’s all beautifully written. I congratulate you. I also wish you Bon Voyage, + I await with great interest a letter.



The stuff is put safely away.


July 26

Dear Gladys

I find your stuff very interesting - even more so. There is variety. The description of happiness is exceedingly good. I liked to get awat from the love inteest for a bit - into happiness. I liked the delicate candour + truth [pelvers] of your treatment of P’s nerves + health, I liked the house with its people, & I liked enormously the Uncle

John + family part at the end. As I look back on it all ^(I mean this lump) I go on thinking it very good.You do it very well. I think this lump is better - more un-lierary (Proustian) than the rest. I felt the opening [???]